Wednesday, January 05, 2011

The Year of 365 Scribbles Project #1

Last year one of my goals was to get better at drawing, to the point where I wasn't embarrassed to draw in public. I did that by drawing in public a lot and being very embarrassed most of the time.

So now I'm gonna try to take it a step further and put my scribbles on the internet, where crazy strangers can see everything.

So the goal is to post one picture a day. Or at least a couple pictures per post. Whatever adds up to 365 pictures for 2011. Yes, this means I have some catching up to do.

Most of what I post will probably just be pencil sketches, or pen sketches I scribble in the margins of legal pads. I might throw in some comic strips and pictures from various personal projects I'm trying to finish.

Let's start the year off right with some Ron Burgundy.

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